из 17Решил заданий
из 17Не решил заданий
из 17Осталось заданий
Формат ответа: цифра или несколько цифр, слово или несколько слов. Вопросы на соответствие "буква" - "цифра" должны записываться как несколько цифр. Между словами и цифрами не должно быть пробелов или других знаков.
Примеры ответов: 7 или здесьисейчас или 3514
Answer the following questions.
Would you like champagne or wine? _______ I don’t drink alcohol.
Answer the following questions.
Where are your parents now? ______ at work.
Answer the following questions.
How can I get to the city? You can take _______ a bus or a subway to get there.
Answer the following questions.
I didn’t take it, and you? ______.
Answer the following questions.
I don’t support any hockey team, and you?
Complete sentences with both, either, neither.
The woman was holding her hat in _____ hands.
Complete sentences with both, either, neither.
Bill and George are _______ my classmates, nor my friends.
Complete sentences with both, either, neither.
______ of her students could dance.
Complete sentences with both, either, neither.
______ the bags or the suitcases should be taken to the trip.
Complete sentences with both, either, neither.
Nataly and Jane are _____ beautiful women.
Complete sentences with both, either, neither.
Is it June or July? ______, it’s August already.
Complete sentences with both, either, neither.
There are two main roads to the town. You can go ______ way.
Complete sentences with construction both … and, either … or, neither … nor.
I didn’t like this hall. It was _____ cozy _____ light.
Complete sentences with construction both … and, either … or, neither … nor.
I liked that movie! It was ______ funny _____ interesting.
Complete sentences with construction both … and, either … or, neither … nor.
She is an ideal wife. She ____ drinks _____ smokes.
Complete sentences with construction both … and, either … or, neither … nor.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember what month her birthday is. It is _____ June _____ July.
Complete sentences with construction both … and, either … or, neither … nor.
Finally! I can go for a holiday! I have _____ time _____ money.
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