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Формат ответа: цифра или несколько цифр, слово или несколько слов. Вопросы на соответствие "буква" - "цифра" должны записываться как несколько цифр. Между словами и цифрами не должно быть пробелов или других знаков.
Примеры ответов: 7 или здесьисейчас или 3514
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
She arrived late / lately at the airport.
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
Mark worked close / closely with his supervisor during the whole last year.
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
I hate when people drive slow / slowly on the highway.
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
The father told his daughter to stay close / closely to him as they walked through the crowd.
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
The actors have hard / hardly begun their performance.
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
Have you heard from your brother late / lately?
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
The man slow / slowly woke up.
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
The pupils have been studying hard / hardly for months.
Choose the correct adverb. Write this adverb with SMALL letter.
Rick was deep/deeply offended by what Joan did.
Correct the mistakes. Write the correct adverb in your answer. If there is no mistake, write “ - ”.
We wrong thought that she was from the Netherlands.
Correct the mistakes. Write the correct adverb in your answer. If there is no mistake, write “ - ”.
The window was wide open.
Correct the mistakes. Write the correct adverb in your answer. If there is no mistake, write “ - ”.
Sure you are not going to leave right now?
Correct the mistakes. Write the correct adverb in your answer. If there is no mistake, write “ - ”.
Nastya walked out slowly.
Correct the mistakes. Write the correct adverb in your answer. If there is no mistake, write “ - ”.
We called doctor right in time.
Correct the mistakes. Write the correct adverb in your answer. If there is no mistake, write “ - ”.
The plane arrived lately.
Correct the mistakes. Write the correct adverb in your answer. If there is no mistake, write “ - ”.
My colleague is high paid.
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