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We all want to protect our planet, but we're mostly too busy or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and save the environment. These are 6 simple habits to implement in your everyday life, which will make a difference. There is nothing new here but if you follow at least some of these tips, you can be proud of yourself participating in the protection of the environment.


Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. It is true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much longer and they can save energy and in the long term your electricity bill would be reduced.


Donate. You have tons of clothes or things you want to get rid of. If they are still usable, give them to someone who needs them. You may also choose to give them to associations. These associations may sell them and collect a little money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good cause.


Turn off your devices. When you do not use a house device, turn it off. For example, if you don't watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave a room (even if you intend to return.) It's an easy habit to take up which will help you save a lot of money.


Walk or cycle. Driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. If you want to use your car, ask yourself the following question: do I really need my car? Walk or use your bike if the journey is a short one.


Leaky faucets. Watch leaky faucets, which can cause a significant increase in the water bill. An average of 120 liters of water can be wasted due to a dripping faucet.


Rainwater. Think also of recovering rainwater. This water can be used for different purposes. This list is far from being exhaustive but in addition to saving the environment, all these tips will help you save money.






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There is a wide array of decisions associated with seeing a movie. Do you watch it at home or in the theater? Do you go on opening weekend or wait a few weeks until the crowd dies down? Who do you watch it with? Do you purchase tickets in advance online or at the box office? Do you choose to see a light-hearted comedy or a serious thought-provoking drama? These decisions affect our own personal experience as well as the profitability of movie production and promotion companies.


Unfortunately predicting the success/failure of films has been a largely unsuccessful venture — making movie productions a risky investment. One recent breakthrough in predicting pre-release success was discovered by a group of researchers who used the web traffic on Wikipedia pages for upcoming movies to predict box office success. Another way to ensure the success of a film is to make sure that the marketing and sales teams are creating the right messaging (e.g., trailers, ads), and targeting the right customers. Typical variables used to understand the viewing audience (and thus how to advertise) include demographics (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity), geographic location, and other census related data.


One relatively unexplored way of predicting movie consumption is through psychological traits. Believe it or not, people make decisions like the ones listed above in a relatively predictable way. Moviegoing behaviors, along with other everyday behaviors, can be predicted (with a relatively high degree of accuracy) by certain personality traits. For instance, individuals who are highly extraverted (or outgoing) are more likely to go to the movies with a group of people (rather than alone or with just one person). Extraverts enjoy putting themselves in group settings because it stimulates their motivation to socially engage with others.


While there are many genres of film, the group of researchers at TipTap Lab found three statistically distinct dimensions of moviegoer preference: The Freethinker, The Adrenaline Junkie, and The Optimist. The first dimension includes genres such as documentaries, foreign films, cult classics, and dramas. Adrenaline pumping films include those from the genres of science fiction, action, war, western, and horror. The optimistic dimension is composed of genres like kids’ movies, romance, musical, animation, and comedy.


After deriving these dimensions of preference, researachers correlated them with personality and demographic traits as well as other moviegoing behaviors. Some correlations may be unsurprising—for instance, younger viewers and males were more likely to enjoy adrenaline pumping movies. Some findings, however, were less obvious. For instance, people who prefer watching cognitively stimulating movies (The Freethinker) tended to be less conventional and more open to new experiences. They also tended to be more eco-conscious and were more likely shop locally. Fans of optimistic movies tended to have more conservative values. They were also more likely to be outgoing and friendly than those who prefered other genres of film.


Because certain genres of film draw different crowds of people, significant consideration must be given to marketing communications and promotions. One of the primary missions at TipTap Lab is to understand how psychological motivations vary from context to context. This understanding allows for more targeted messaging, promoting, and other communication. And with more research these efforts can in turn increase the profitability of things like film releases as well as provide a more accurate forecast of how well a film will perform among certain groups.


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  1. Find an occupation
  2. Spend time with younger generation
  3. Go round the Earth
  4. Give everything away
  5. Moving to another place
  6. Help others
  7. Buy your own mansion
  8. Get luxury vehicle

Retirement dreams


Why sit shivering in the cold when you could be enjoying warm weather, good food and good wine? That’s the philosophy of more than 1.2 million UK pensioners now living abroad. Europe and the US continue to be the most popular regions as pension payments aren’t frozen, but rise in line with living costs. European retirees are entitled to state health care paid by the UK.


For many pensioners, it’s the dream of getting away from the hustle and bustle and enjoying a more relaxed pace of life that appeals. Think tank Demos finds 58% of over 60s want to move to their forever homes when they retire, and in the UK, it’s the South West that wins. It’s home to nearly 20% of the UK’s entire retired population. Fancy Christchurch, Dorset? Around 14,000 (30%) of its 50,000 population are retirees.


It’s a cliché for a reason. More than 1.7 million took a cruise in 2013 and the average age for all cruisers is now a sprightly 57. And why not? The kids have long gone, so it’s parents’ turn to see the world. The most famous retired cruiser was Beatrice Muller, who was a permanent resident on the QE2 for several years from 2000 onwards. She decided to cruise rather than pay to live in a retirement home.


Pensions minister Steve Webb suggested in 2014 that retirees could buy themselves Lamborghinis , but for 77-year-old Brian Rollings, it was tracking down his old Austin Opal Tourer (which he first bought in 1953), and doing it up, that brought him happiness. Best of all, classic cars are an investment too, with impressive returns in recent years.


Research last year found a happy retirement comprised spending at least 364 hours with the grandkids each year – including lavishing them with £249 worth of gifts. Ideally, children and grandchildren must live no more than 24 miles away, according to the poll of more than 1,000 adults aged 60-65. Charity Anchor recently found 41% would like to see their grandkids weekly and live within 11 miles of their family.


Retirees that volunteer can achieve both happiness and longevity in retirement according to a review by the Legatum Institute earlier this year. They found volunteering combats loneliness and increases people’s emotional wellbeing, while not volunteering was the equivalent of taking up a 15 cigarettes a-day smoking habit. For more advice, check out the Seniors Network volunteering page.


A 2014 poll by unbiased.co.uk found 18% of the nation’s retirees plan to take up a new hobby. And while you don’t have to be the next YouTube sensation like ‘Barry the Fish’ (who’s taken up long-boarding aged 70), just doing something new is also good enough to boost your brainpower. Research by the University of Dallas has found learning a new skill keeps the brain sharper than continuing to do the things you’ve always done.


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Установите соответствие между заголовками A – Н и текстами 1 – 7. Запишите ответ. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. Supercomputer
  2. Human intelligence test
  3. Man against computer
  4. Robotic industry
  5. Intelligent machines in our life
  6. Computer intelligence test
  7. Computers change human brains
  8. Electronic film stars


Artificial intelligence is the art of making machines that are able to 'think'. We often don't notice it, but artificial intelligence is all around us. It is presented in computer games, in the cruise control in our cars and the servers that direct our e-mail. Some scientists believe that the most powerful computers could have the power of the human brain. Machines have always been excellent at tasks like calculation. But now they are better than humans in many spheres, from chess to mixing music.


The world's most powerful computer is ASCI Purple, made by IBM in 2004. It can carry out 100 trillion operations per second and has the size of two basketball courts. A computer with double power is expected in the next two years. A spokesman for IBM said that ASCI Purple was near the power of the human brain. But some scientists believe our brains can carry out almost 10,000 trillion operations per second.


The possible dangers of intelligent machines became the stories of many science fiction films. In The Terminator (1984), a computer network uses nuclear weapons against the human race in order to rule the world. This network then makes intelligent robots called 'Terminators' which it programs to kill all the humans. In The Matrix (1999) and The Matrix Reloaded (2003), a machine dominates humanity, using people as batteries to power itself.


In 1997, then the world chess champion Garry Kasparov played against IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer – and lost. After six games, the world-famous Kasparov lost 2.5 to 3.5 to the computer. In February 2003, Kasparov restored human reputation by finishing equal against the Israeli-built supercomputer Deep Junior. Kasparov ended the game with the score 2-2 against US company X3D Technologies' supercomputer X3D Fritz in November 2003, proving that the human brain can keep up with the latest developments in computing (at least in chess).


There are a number of different methods which try to measure intelligence, the most famous of which is perhaps the IQ, or 'Intelligence Quotient' test. This test was first used in early 20th century Paris. The modern day IQ test measures a variety of different types of ability such as memory for words and figures and others. Whether IQ tests actually test general intelligence is disputable. Some argue that they just show how good the individual is at IQ tests!


Analysis shows that human intelligence is changing. We are gaining abilities in some areas of intelligence, while losing them in others, such as memory. So this generation may not remember the great number of poems, their abilities are greater in other areas. It has been discovered that wide use of video games improves reaction time. But we could only dream of computing without calculators as fast as our grandparents did.


In 1950, mathematician Alan Turing invented a test to check machine intelligence. In the Turing Test, two people (A and B) sit in a closed room, a third person (C), who asks questions, sits outside. Person A tries to answer the questions so that person C doesn’t guess who they are: men or women, while person B tries to help him (C) in their identification. Turing suggested a machine take the place of person A. If the machine fooled the human, it was likely to be intelligent.


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Установите соответствие между заголовками 1—8 и текстами А—G. Запишите ответ. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

  1. Talk to your doctor about risks and benefits of any therapy you're considering
  2. A new popular type of healing
  3. Mind-body medicine
  4. Why is there so little evidence about CAM?
  5. Why are some doctors hesitant about CAM?
  6. Examples of CAM therapies
  7. Energy medicine
  8. Biologically based practices


Complementary and alternative medicine has never been more popular. Nearly 40 percent of adults report using complementary and alternative medicine, also called CAM for short. Doctors are embracing CAM therapies, too, often combining them with mainstream medical therapies — spawning the term "integrative medicine."


Exactly what's considered alternative medicine changes constantly as treatments undergo testing and move into the mainstream? To make sense of the many therapies available, it helps to look at how they're classified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM): Whole medical systems, Mind-body medicine, Biologically based practices, Manipulative and body-based practices, Energy medicine. Keep in mind that the distinctions between therapies aren't always clear-cut, and some systems use techniques from more than one category.


Examples of one of the mentioned types of CAM include dietary supplements and herbal remedies. These treatments use ingredients found in nature. Examples of herbs include ginseng, ginkgo and echinacea; examples of other dietary supplements include selenium, glucosamine sulfate and SAMe. Herbs and supplements can be taken as teas, oils, syrups, powders, tablets or capsules.


Some CAM practitioners believe an invisible energy force flows through your body, and when this energy flow is blocked or unbalanced you can become sick. Different traditions call this energy by different names, such as chi, prana and life force. The goal of these therapies is to unblock or re-balance your energy force. Energy therapies include qigong, therapeutic touch, reiki and magnet therapy.


Many conventional doctors practicing today didn't receive training in CAM or integrative medicine, so they may not feel comfortable making recommendations or addressing questions in this area. Doctors also have good reason to be cautious when it comes to some CAM. Conventional medicine values therapies that have been demonstrated through research and testing to be safe and effective. While scientific evidence exists for some CAM therapies, for many there are key questions that are yet to be answered. In addition, some CAM practitioners make exaggerated claims about curing diseases, and some ask you to forgo treatment from your conventional doctor. For these reasons, many doctors are cautious about recommending these therapies.


One reason for the lack of research in alternative treatments is that large, carefully controlled medical studies are costly. Trials for conventional therapies are often funded by big companies that develop and sell drugs. Fewer resources are available to support trials of CAM therapies. That's why NCCAM was established — to foster research into CAM and make the findings available to the public.


Work with your conventional medical doctor to help you make informed decisions regarding CAM treatments. Even if your doctor can't recommend a specific practitioner, he or she can help you understand possible risks and benefits before you try a treatment. It's especially important to involve your doctor if you are pregnant, have medical problems or take prescription medicine. And don't stop or change your conventional treatment — such as the dose of your prescription medications — without talking to your doctor first. Finally, be sure to keep your doctor updated on any alternative therapies you're using, including herbal and dietary supplements.





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Установите соответствие между темами A – G и текстами 1 – 6. Запишите ответ. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

  1. Dance
  2. Souvenirs
  3. Food and drink
  4. Material
  5. Imaginary person
  6. Shops
  7. Language


Irish hand-made tweed is famous all over the world for its individual look, its quality and different colours. This cloth is made from wool and widely used for caps, hats, skirts, trousers, and jackets. Tweeds can be bought in most of the larger cities as well as in the specialist tweed shops. The most famous place for tweed production in Ireland is Donegal.


Ceili consists of hundreds of people. They join arms together, dance up and down a hall at high speeds to the fast sounds of Irish traditional music. Men and women move so quickly turning round and round, that if they don't fall at least once, it means that they are not trying hard enough.A. Irish hand-made tweed is famous all over the world for its individual look, its quality and different colours. This cloth is made from wool and widely used for caps, hats, skirts, trousers, and jackets. Tweeds can be bought in most of the larger cities as well as in the specialist tweed shops. The most famous place for tweed production in Ireland is Donegal.


Gaelic is not widely used today in Ireland. With hundreds of years of colonization by the British it lost its significance and was used less and less. It wasn't allowed to be taught in the schools, and it became impossible to use Gaelic in most jobs.


Irish products are very popular. Irish hand-made farmhouse cheeses, chocolates and wild smoked salmon taste so nice that they are known everywhere. Many people like Irish coffee which is a hot drink made with coffee, whiskey, and cream. Baileys, a cream liqueur, is becoming known internationally. We must also mention Guinness, is a type of beer, which for many years has been as the meal in a glass.


Children in Ireland love to listen to stories about leprechaun, a small wizard with magic powers who could make impossible things happen. He is dressed in green velvet and wears a shiny black belt and magic shoes. He is very small, no more than half a metre tall. He has a pot of gold and gets very angry if he thinks someone is trying to steal it.


Irish products are of great value and high quality. They can always tell a story of the history, culture and geography of the place where they were made. Most visitors know of Aran sweaters, Irish lace, Ulster linen table-cloths and bed covers, Galway glasses, Tara plates and cups. Hardly any visitor leaves the country without buying something which will remind them of the country later.


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  1. Places to stay in
  2. Public transport
  3. Cultural differences
  4. Nightlife
  5. Camping holidays
  6. Contacts with neighbours
  7. Different landscapes
  8. Eating out


Sweden is a land of contrast, from the Danish influence of the southwest to the Laplanders wandering freely with their reindeer in the wild Arctic north. And while Sweden in cities is stylish and modern, the countryside offers many simpler pleasures for those who look for peace and calm. The land and its people have an air of reserved calm, and still the world’s best-selling pop group Abba, which used to attract crowds of hysterical fans, come from Sweden.


Historically, Sweden has an interesting story. Its dealings with the outside world began, in fact, during Viking times, when in addition to the well-known surprise attacks of the nearby lands, there was much trading around the Baltic, mostly in furs and weapons. Swedish connections with the other Scandinavian countries, Norway and Denmark, have been strong since the Middle Ages. The monarchies of all three are still closely linked.


Sweden's scenery has a gentler charm than that of neighbouring Norway's rocky coast. Much of Sweden is forested, and there are thousands lakes, notably large pools near the capital, Stockholm. The lakeside resort in the centre of Sweden is popular with Scandinavians, but most visitors prefer first the Baltic islands. The largest island, Gotland, with its ruined medieval churches, is a particular attraction.


Sweden boasts a good range of hotels, covering the full spectrum of prices and standards. Many of them offer discounts in summer and at weekends during the winter. In addition, working farms throughout Sweden offer accommodation, either in the main farmhouse or in a cottage nearby. Forest cabins and chalets are also available throughout the country, generally set in beautiful surroundings, near lakes, in quiet forest glades or on an island in some remote place.


Living in a tent or caravan with your family or friends at weekends and on holiday is extremely popular in Sweden and there is a fantastic variety of special places. Most are located on a lakeside or by the sea with free bathing facilities close at hand. There are over 600 campsites in the country. It is often possible to rent boats or bicycles, play mini-golf or tennis, ride a horse or relax in a sauna. It is also possible to camp in areas away from other houses.


Swedes like plain meals, simply prepared from the freshest ingredients. As a country with a sea coast and many freshwater lakes, fish dishes are found on all hotel or restaurant menus. Top-class restaurants in Sweden are usually fairly expensive, but even the smallest towns have reasonably priced self-service restaurants and grill bars. Many restaurants all over Sweden offer a special dish of the day at a reduced price that includes main course, salad, soft drink and coffee.


Stockholm has a variety of pubs, cafes, clubs, restaurants, cinemas and theatres but in the country evenings tend to be very calm and peaceful. From August to June the Royal Ballet performs in Stockholm. Music and theatre productions take place in many cities during the summer in the open air. Outside Stockholm in the 18th-century palace there are performances of 18th-century opera very popular with tourists.


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