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Elephants sense 'danger' clothes

St Andrews University researchers discovered that elephants could recognise the degree of danger posed by various groups of individuals.

The study found that African elephants always reacted with fear A ___ previously worn by men of the Maasai tribe. They are known to demonstrate their courage by B ___.

The elephants also responded aggressively to red clothing, which defines traditional Maasai dress.

However, the elephants showed a much milder reaction to clothing previously worn by the Kamba people, C ___ and pose little threat.

The researchers first presented elephants with clean, red clothing and with red clothing that had been worn for five days by D ___.

They revealed that Maasai-smelt clothing motivated elephants to travel significantly faster in the first minute after they moved away.

They then investigated whether elephants could also use the colour of clothing as a cue to classify a potential threat and found the elephants reacted with aggression E ___.This suggested that they associated the colour red with the Maasai.

The researchers believe the distinction in the elephants' emotional reaction to smell and colour might be explained by F ___. They might be able to distinguish among different human groups according to the level of risk they posed.

"We regard this experiment as just a start to investigating precisely how elephants 'see the world', and it may be that their abilities will turn out to equal or exceed those of our closer relatives, the monkeys and apes," researchers added.


1. either a Maasai or a Kamba man

2. who do not hunt elephants

3. when they detected the smell of clothes

4. who carried out the research

5. the amount of risk they sense

6. spearing elephants

7. when they spotted red but not white cloth


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Value of Hobbies

It is well-known that eating habits, sleep, and exercise are important for physical and psychological health (information reminding us so is everywhere). Yet, we rarely hear about A ___.

Although one may think that pastimes serve no other purpose than to (literally) pass time, B ___. They not only add quality to our life but also contribute to our effectiveness and well-being.

Hobbies are food for the soul. They nurture C ___, and renew our mind. Hobbies can be so stimulating, in fact, that they inspire those magical “aha!” moments.

D ___, research has found otherwise. A recent study suggests that people who engage in hobbies, especially creative hobbies, perform better at work. It seems that E ___ can boost productivity and even creativity.

We are at our best when we are relaxed and in tune with ourselves. Only then can we truly thrive.

So F ___, think again. And if you’re thinking you don’t have time for hobbies because you just can’t afford to take time away from work even if you wanted to, then you probably need one more so than anyone else.


1. having an outlet outside of work

2. hobby can become a turning point in one’s life especially if

3. hobbies are very beneficial and of great value

4. our spirit, restore our physical energy

5. While we may think that hobbies can interfere with our career

6. if you think hobbies are a waste of time

7. the value of leisure and recreation


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The adventure continues for Rosetta

29 June 2015

The European Space Agency is very happy to announce that the adventure will continue for the Rosetta spacecraft until September 2016. That’s nine whole months longer than originally planned!

Rosetta began its adventure in 2004 when it was launched into space on a mission to find a comet A ___. For 10 long years, the little spacecraft flew around the Solar System chasing after the comet, B ___.

But Rosetta's work didn’t end there. In fact, it had only just begun! Rosetta’s first job was to help Philae, the little probe it was carrying, to land safely on the comet’s surface. Its next job is to keep the comet company C ___.

In particular Rosetta will study how the comet changes as it reaches Perihelion (it’s pronounced Peri-HE-lee-on). This is the point in a comet’s orbit D ___ (and will probably become very interesting!).

Comets are giant, dirty snowballs from the cold outer edge of our Solar System. As they get close to the Sun’s heat, icy material near the comet’s surface boils away, E ___. This is how comets get the spectacular “tails” we see as they cross the night sky.

Thanks to the extension of Rosetta’s mission, the spacecraft will now get to study comet 67P as it passes perihelion and afterwards. This full “before and after” view of the event will provide lots of new information about how comets change over time — F ___.

But what will happen in September 2016, G ___? Well, it seems only right that after riding alongside Comet 67P for so many months, Rosetta will end its mission by landing it. The two can then travel together for the rest of their journey around the Solar System.


1. when Rosetta’s journey is finally over

2. like steam rising from the kettle

3. particularly when they have a close encounter with the Sun

4. as it travels around the Sun

5. called Churyumov-Gerasimenko

6. before finally reaching its destination in August last year

7. when it travels closest to the Sun

8. which is why many planetary scientists now eye warily their calendars


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Natural Links In a Long Chain of Being

I believe we are not alone.
Even if I am on the other side of the world from the farmhouse I live in, I still dream of the ancient vines out the window, and the shed out back that my grandfather's father built in 1870 with eucalyptus trunks. As long as I can recreate these images, A ___.
All of us need some grounding in our modern world of constant moving, buying, selling, meeting and leaving. Some find constancy in religion, others in friends or community. But we need some daily signposts that we are not different, not better, B ___.
For me, this house, farm, these ancient vines are those roots. Although I came into this world alone and will leave alone, I am not alone.
There are ghosts of dozens of conversations in the hallways, stories I remember about buying new plows that now rust in the barnyard and ruined crops from the same vines C ___.

All of us are natural links in a long chain of being, and that I need to know what time of day it is, what season is coming, whether the wind is blowing north or from the east, and if the moon is still full tomorrow night, D ___.

The physical world around us constantly changes, E ___. We must struggle in our brief existence to find some transcendent meaning and so find relief in the knowledge F ___.
You may find that too boring, living with the past as present. I find it refreshing. There is an old answer to every new problem, that wise whispers of the past are with us. If we just listen and remember, we are not alone; we have been here before.


1. I never quite leave home

2. but human nature does not

3. that we are now harvesting

4. but we as well as our heart did not

5. not worse than those who came before us

6. just as the farmers who came before me did

7. that our ancestors have gone through this before


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Hi-Tech Brings Families Together

Technology is helping families stay in touch like never before, says a report carried out in the US.

Instead of driving people apart, mobile phones and the Internet are A ___. The research looked at the differences in technology use between families with children and single adults. It found that traditional families have more hi-tech gadgets in their home В ___. Several mobile phones were found in 89% of families and 66% had a high-speed Internet connection. The research also found that 58% of families have more С ___.

Many people use their mobile phone to keep in touch and communicate with parents and children. Seventy percent of couples, D ___, use it every day to chat or say hello. In addition, it was found that 42% of parents contact their children via their mobile every day.

The growing use of mobile phones, computers and the Internet means that families no longer gather round the TV to spend time together. 25% of those who took part in the report said they now spend less time E ___. Only 58% of 18—29 year olds said they watched TV every day. Instead the research found that 52% of Internet users who live with their families go online F ___ several times a week and 51% of parents browse the web with their children.

Some analysts have worried that new technologies hurt families, but we see that technology allows for new kinds of connectedness built around cell phones and the Internet/ said the report.


1. than any other group

2. watching television

3. in the company of someone else

4. than two computers in the home

5. communicated with their families

6. helping them communicate

7. owning a mobile


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Friendship and Love

A strong friendship takes a significant amount of time to develop. It will not just magically mature overnight. A friendship involves committing oneself to help another person A ___. I believe that, nothing can replace a true friend, not material objects, or money, and definitely not a boy.

I met this guy a couple summers ago who I ended up spending almost all of my free time with. His parents did not approve of our dating because of our age difference, В ___. He had told me the day we met that he had joined the air force and would leave for overseas that coming October. After three months had past, the time came when he had to leave. This left me feeling completely alone.

I turned to my friends for support, but to my surprise, С ___. I had spent so much time with this guy and so little time with them, that they did not feel sorry for me when he left. For so long they had become the only constant in my life, and I had taken them for granted over something D ___.

When my boyfriend came back, our relationship changed. I tried to fix all the aspects in my life that had gone so wrong in the previous six months.

This experience taught me that true friendships will only survive if one puts forth effort to make them last. Keeping friends close will guarantee that E ___. When a relationship falls apart, a friend will always do everything in their power to make everything less painful. As for me, I try to keep my friends as close as I can. I know they will always support me in whatever I do, and to them, I F ___.


1. but we did anyway.

2. whenever a need arises.

3. they did not really care.

4. whenever they need your help.

5. could not guarantee would even last.

6. am eternally grateful'for a second chance.

7. someone will always have a shoulder to cry on.


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The Survival of the Welsh Language

Wales is a small country of just over 3 million people, on the north west seaboard of Europe. Despite many historical incursions of other peoples, particularly the English, it has preserved its ancient Celtic language, A ___. Welsh is habitually spoken by about 10% of the people, half understood by a further 10%, and not spoken at all by the majority in this ‘bilingual’ society.

Up to the First World War most people were Welsh speaking, especially in the mountains of North Wales. The English-speaking areas were along the more fertile coastal plains. On the whole there was an easy tolerance of the two languages, B ___.

By 1919 there was a considerable drop in Welsh speakers. This was due to the large flows of capital investment from England into the South Wales coalfield, C ___.

Now, D ___, commerce and everyday business were carried out in English.

In the rural mountain areas 80% to 85% of the population were Welsh speakers, E ___. However, in the coalfield country of Glamorgan 70% spoke English only, and in its neighbour border county the figure was over 90%.

By 1931 the number of people able to speak Welsh in the whole of Wales had fallen to 37% of the population, F ___. It continued to drop and reached its lowest – 18.6% - in the 1990s. But by the start of the 21st century, numbers had begun to increase again and reached 21.7% in 2004!


1. as well as education and the law

2. the only one of a number of allied languages that remain

3. with radio and the English press further speeding the decline

4. many being able to speak Welsh only

5. where Welsh was studied as language and literature in an academic manner

6. apart from the fact that Welsh was not permitted to be used at all in the schools

7. bringing a flood of immigrant labour from all over Britain


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Speed of eating is 'key to obesity'

If you eat very quickly, it may be enough to increase your risk of being overweight, research suggests.

Osaka University scientists looked at the eating habits of 3,000 people. Just about half of them told researchers that they A ___. Compared with those who did not eat quickly, fast-eating men were 84% more likely to be overweight, and women were 100% more likely to B ___.

Japanese scientists said that there were a number of reasons why eating fast C ___. They said it could prevent the work of a signalling system which tells your brain to stop eating because your stomach is full. They said: "If you eat quickly you basically fill your stomach before the system has a chance to react, so you D ___."

The researchers also explained that a mechanism that helps to make us fat today, developed with evolution and helped people get more food in the periods when they were short of it. The scientists added that the habit of eating fast could be received from one of the parents' genes or E ___.

They said that, if possible, children should be taught to
F ___, and allowed to stop when they felt full up at mealtimes. "The advice of our grandmothers about chewing everything 20 times might be true - if you take a bit more time eating, it could have a positive influence on your weight."


1. just overfill your stomach;

2. could be bad for your weight;

3. had a habit of eating quickly;

4. linked to obesity;

5. eat as slowly as possible;

6. put on weight;

7. learned at a very early age.


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When I arrived in England I thought I knew English. After I’d been here an hour I realized that I did not understand one word. In the first week I picked up a tolerable working knowledge of the language and the next seven years convinced me gradually but thoroughly that I A ___, let alone perfectly. This is sad. My only consolation being that nobody speaks English perfectly.

Remember that those five hundred words an average Englishman uses are B ___. You may learn another five hundred and another five thousand and yet another fifty thousand and still you may come across a further fifty thousand C ___.

If you live here long enough you will find out to your greatest amazement that the adjective nice is not the only adjective the language possesses, in spite of the fact that D ___. You can say that the weather is nice, a restaurant is nice, Mr. Soandso is nice, Mrs. Soandso’s clothes are nice, you had a nice time, E ___.

Then you have to decide on your accent. The easiest way to give the impression of having a good accent or no foreign accent at all is to hold an unlit pipe in your mouth, to mutter between your teeth and finish all your sentences with the question: “isn’t it?” People will not understand much, but they are accustomed to that and they will get the F ___.


1. whatever it costs

2. most excellent impression

3. you have never heard of before, and nobody else either

4. in the first three years you do not need to learn or use any other adjectives

5. would never know it really well

6. far from being the whole vocabulary of the language

7. and all this will be correct


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Orient Express

In the early 1860s, trains were the preferred way to travel. They weren't particularly comfortable, however, until American engineer George Mortimer Pullman decided to make trains more luxurious.

By the late 1860s, trains furnished not only sleeping cars, but kitchen and dining facilities, where A ___. This was innovative for the time, and was aimed to encourage people В ___. The first of these Pullman trains in England ran from London to Brighton and used electricity for illumination.

In 1881, another railway entrepreneur, George Nagelmacker, introduced the use of a restaurant car onboard, and the first Orient Express train service was begun. Running from Paris to Romania the route included Strasbourg, Vienna, Budapest and Bucharest.

Thanks to the 12 mile Simplon Tunnel, С ___, the Orient Express expanded, including a route to Istanbul, and the legendary romance of the Orient Express was in full swing.

Everyone in the social register, including royalty, chose to travel on the wheels of that luxury hotel D ___ in wealthy surroundings. Legends, stories, and intrigue surrounded those trips to exotic places, and those famous people E ___.

Unfortunately, during World War II this luxury travel was closed for the most part, and later, after the war, F ___ to start it again. Within the next few years airplane travel became popular, and train passenger service declined.


1. elegant meals were served to passengers

2. to use trains for long distance travel and vacations

3. who rode the train

4. who wrote about it

5. which connected Switzerland and Italy

6. that served dishes and wines

7. there was no money


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The Power of 'Hello'

I work at a company where there are hundreds of employees. I know most of them and almost all of them know me. It is all based on one simple principle: I believe every single person deserves to be acknowledged, A ___.

When I was about 10 years old, I was walking down the street with my mother. She stopped to speak to Mr. Lee. I knew I could see Mr. Lee any time around the neighborhood, B ___.

After we passed Mr. Lee, my mother said something that has stuck with me from that day until now. She said, "You let that be the last time you ever walk by somebody and not open up your mouth to speak, because even a dog can wag its tail C ___". That phrase sounds simple, but it has been a guidepost for me and the foundation of who I am. I started to see that when I spoke to someone, they spoke back. And that felt good. It is not just something I believe in; D ___. I believe that every person deserves to feel someone acknowledges their presence, no matter how unimportant they may be.

At work, I always used to say 'hello' to the founder of the company and ask him how our business was doing. But I was also speaking to the people in the cafe, and asked how their children were doing. I remembered after a few years of passing by the founder, I had the courage to ask him for a meeting. We had a great talk. At a certain point, I asked him E ___. He said, "If you want to, you can get all the way to this seat."

I have become vice president, but that has not changed the way I approach people. I speak to everyone I see, no matter where I am. I have learned that speaking to people creates a pathway into their world, F ___.


1. it has become a way of life

2. when it passes you on the street

3. when you see him and talk to him

4. and it lets them come into mine, too

5. so I did not pay any attention to him

6. however small or simple the greeting is

7. how far he thought I could go in his company


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Chef’s life

Interview by Gordon Wright

Pierre Wilkinson believes that TV chefs give people the wrong idea. Their clean, white kitchens, which are perfectly tidy and quiet, A ___. Pierre is the head chef at the New York Bistro and in his kitchen you have to be tough to survive. It’s noisy, fast, and some find the stress unbearable. Pierre, though, loves it when the orders come in thick and fast.

Growing up in tourist resorts along the East Coast, Pierre’s early heroes were the men B ___. It was hard work; in high season, a small kitchen might turn out 400 seafood lunches. These men seemed to be in complete control of chaos. Their voices would cut through the noise of cooking, shouting orders to each other. Their hands, scarred from so many cuts, used to amaze Pierre and he was determined to become a chef when he was older.

His first job was in a chili bar in Texas. It was boring and hot and C ___. His main responsibility was keeping the cooks supplied with prepared vegetables. He remembers his boss as a big Texan who was constantly shouting at him for falling behind. He chopped so many onions that D ___. He loved the kitchen atmosphere, but knew that he had to get more experience if he was ever going to be in charge of his own kitchen.

Moving to New York, Pierre decided to qualify as a chef. It was difficult at first to adjust. He had to go from a fast, rough approach to food to being much more delicate. In some ways, he found it frustrating, but he now believes that the techniques E ___.

His day at the Bistro begins before everybody else’s and ends after everybody else’s. He likes to have a hand in every aspect of the kitchen. He might be a tough boss, but nobody can ever say he does not work hard. His deliveries start arriving early and F ___. He often sends loads back, even if he really needs the food. The supply companies know he will only accept the best.

Once the restaurant opens for lunch, the action is non-stop. His kitchen becomes a mad rush, while outside in the dining room the atmosphere is quiet and calm. Few diners realize the effort that goes into producing their meals. That’s exactly the way Pierre wants it, creating an image of peace while behind the scenes his people work flat out.

Pierre has a staff of ten and each of them has a particular job to do. This kind of discipline is important

because there is no time to wonder about what is happening during busy periods. The more experienced cooks produce the final dishes, G ___. Many of the workers who pass through his kitchen look at Pierre and dream of having a kitchen of their own, in the same way he once did.


1. he started to see them in his sleep.

2. while the beginners prepare the vegetables.

3. he soon lost any illusions he had about cooking.

4. when you know that you made it to the end of the day.

5. he saw working twelve-hour shifts over the stoves.

6. he checks all of them for quality.

7. he learned then have been very useful.

8. are a world away from his day-to-day life.


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