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Грамматика и лексика 26-31

7 заданий

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The King’s New Dress

Many years ago, there was a King who spent all his time and money on dressing up. He loved riding round in his 26________________ garments so that everybody could see him. EXPENSE

His wardrobes contained clothes of 27________________ patterns and designs. DIFFER


One day two 28________________ men appeared at the palace and said they could make beautiful clothes which had magical properties. HONEST

Only clever people would be able to see them - but they would be 29________________ to anyone who was stupid or not good at their job. VISIBLE

The King thought this was an excellent opportunity to find out who was wise and who was foolish in his 30________________. KING

The two men were given gold and silver thread and two 31________________ weaving machines and they started to work. WONDER

After several weeks the King decided to send an old and honest minister, who was 32________________ clever and good at his job, to visit the two men. Can you guess what he saw? CERTAIN


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Famous inventions stories

Have you ever wondered how the most famous inventions were created? From the 1 __________________ of time, humans everywhere have been inventing.


By looking into our past and bringing invention stories to life, we are all reminded that regular people, like you and me, were able to come up with 2 __________________ ideas that ended up having a great impact.


Knowing the past can help you create the future. If you are looking for invention inspiration, background for an 3 __________________ project, or just have a curious mind – read about famous inventions. The stories of great inventions are fascinating.


Some great inventions were created 4 __________________ by mistake, others by trial and error.


Some 5 __________________ of the most well-known products have incredible stories of innovation to tell. INVENT

When was the parachute invented?

Have you ever felt like jumping out of a plane? Plenty of people have, but 6 __________________ most of them did it after parachutes had been invented.


Leonardo da Vinci made the first real studies of flight in the 1480s. He had over 100 7 __________________ that illustrated his theories on flight.


He designed a parachute in the 1480s, though he didn’t try it out.

In 1785, Jean Pierre Blanchard used a dog to test his parachute design. The dog was fine, and so was Blanchard when he used the parachute in 1793 to escape a balloon accident. These early parachutes didn’t catch on because there weren’t any flying machines around to make them 8 __________________ useful. REAL

The invention of airplanes has made parachutes important. Since then, their 9 __________________ has been proved many times. EFFECTIVE


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What Alexander Graham Bell's Voice Sounded Like

26 We now know what the man who made it possible to hear the voices of cross-country friends sounded like. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor most notable for his _________ of the telephone INVENT

27 and other sound recording methods, has himself been silent in the annals of history, but thanks to the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History in ____________ with the Library of Congress and the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, researchers have identified Bell's voice.


28 The audio ________ come from Bell's Volta lab, and they are some of the earliest ever made RECORD

29 Researchers discovered a transcript of recording, which was signed and dated by Bell. _____________, researchers matched this transcript with a recording dated April 15, 1885. RECENT

30 The recording sounds as old as it is, and Bell spends about 4 minutes reading numbers _________________ , signing off with “in witness whereof, hear my voice, Alexander Graham Bell.” LOUD

31 The non-invasive optical technique that was used to recover the sound is a method that has been developed over the past 10 years. The team is still recovering sound from the Volta lab discs with hopes to shed light on the __________process. INNOVATE


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26 Drinking coffee is an irresistible habit for millions of people and most of them find it_________ to do without it. POSSIBLE

27 Yet, doctors feel pessimistic about drinking coffee and even consider it _________ .HARM

28 Some people can drink several cups of coffee with few side effects. Other individuals may be so _________ that even a small amount coffee makes them uncomfortable SENSE

29 They may become impatient and notice some nervousness, headaches, and __________ to concentrate. ABLE

30 It is believed that coffee makes people more __________ . That is why people usually drink coffee in the morning.ENERGY

31 However, there are people who _________ feel sleepy after a cup of coffee. ACTUAL


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Future population

The United Nations (UN) has published its prediction about the size and age of the world’s population three hundred years from now. This report can help environmental 1__________________ and policy-makers to understand dramatic changes in the world’s population in the future.


The report suggests that if the birth rates stay the same, there’ll be a huge expansion of the 2__________________ population.


You may think it 3__________________ but three centuries from now there may be over one hundred and thirty trillion people. POSSIBLE

The report says that the world’s population is likely to be 4__________________ older. The average age will be fifty while today it is twenty six.


Almost a quarter of all the 5__________________ of the planet will live in Africa. INHABIT

6__________________ think that India, China and the United States will continue to be countries with the biggest population. RESEARCH


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26. York is a walled city situated at the confluence of the Rivers Ouse and Foss in North Yorkshire, England. In old times York was the capital of a Viking _______. KING

27. In Medieval times, York was the second city of England, then, the social centre of the north, and in ______ times an important railway centre. VICTORIA

28. Today York is, among other things, the home of world-famous chocolate and one of the most wonderful ______ cities in the world. HISTORY

29. It is also one of the most______ cities in the world. BEAUTY

30. Among its museums there is the National Railway Museum with a unique ______ of steam trains and Royal Carriages. In the Castle Museum one can imagine oneself in the 19th century world of old streets, shops, farmhouses and homes. COLLECT

31. In the newest museum, York Story, ______ travel in a special electric car through an original Viking street with its sights, sounds and smells. VISIT


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My grandfather was a Methodist minister. When I was growing up in Washington, his sermons at the Park Road Community Church, which he helped to found, had a 26 _____________ impact on me. POWER

He made sure I understood that I had a 27 _________ to give back and help make life better for others. RESPONSE

My mother had a master’s degree and was a teacher, a principal and then an 28_________in the local school system. My father, also a college graduate, worked at the Postal Service. ADMINISTER

I attended public schools, which were segregated at the time. I later transferred to an all-boys Catholic high school, where I played basketball and football. I was awarded a 29 __________ to Rutgers in 1963, but I had a few distractions and lost my scholarship.

My father made it plain that I had to make my own way, so I returned to Washington and enrolled at American University. To pay the bills, I worked sellling clothes in downtown department stores. SCHOLAR

After I received my marketing degree in 1968, I applied to the Xerox Corporation three times but had no luck. They did not approve of my 30 __________ form and CV. APPLY

So I went to a job fair to make my case in person, and the company hired me. I 31 ______became Xerox’s top salesperson in the mid-Atlantic area. QUICK


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